
Featured image for "Building modern webapps using Spring Data REST and AngularJS"

Building modern webapps using Spring Data REST and AngularJS

In this example I will setup a web project using Spring Data REST. The client-side of the application will be written using AngularJS.

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Featured image for "Writing apps with React.js: Writing components using JSX"

Writing apps with React.js: Writing components using JSX

React.js is all about components. In this tutorial I will create an application using React.js to create several JSX components.

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Featured image for "Writing apps with React.js: Build using gulp.js and Browserify"

Writing apps with React.js: Build using gulp.js and Browserify

In this article I will prepare my environment to create apps using React.js. First of all we're going to use gulp and Browserify to build our app.

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Featured image for "Continuous integration of JavaScript apps using Jenkins"

Continuous integration of JavaScript apps using Jenkins

Continuous integration of JavaScript apps requires some setup. A possible setup is the use of Jenkins, SonarQube and Bower for continuous integration.

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Featured image for "How to drink gulp.js"

How to drink gulp.js

Gulp is the new build system for your webapps. It's powered by streams which makes it fast. In this article I will use it to build my Angular app.

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Featured image for "Using WebSockets with Spring, AngularJS and SockJS"

Using WebSockets with Spring, AngularJS and SockJS

This tutorial explains how to write a small chat application using WebSockets with the Spring framework, AngularJS and SockJS.

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Featured image for "Angular-powered forms"

Angular-powered forms

Demonstration of how to use AngularJS form validation and how to write your own directives for custom form validation.

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Featured image for "Adding some D3 magic to AngularJS"

Adding some D3 magic to AngularJS

D3 is a framework about visualizing data. In this tutorial I will show you how to integrate it with AngularJS by using it inside a directive.

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You have to love JavaScript's type coercion

JavaScript type coercion is the magic when a variable is casted to another type to execute. It can be a real pain if you don't know what's happening.

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Featured image for "Get more with Less using Grunt"

Get more with Less using Grunt

Tutorial about the key features of Less like mixins, variables, imports and nested selectors. I will also demonstrate how to automate this using Grunt.

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