Posts within the Tutorials category

Featured image for "Using custom scalar types with GraphQL and Apollo"

Using custom scalar types with GraphQL and Apollo

GraphQL comes with several types out-of-the-box, but in many cases you probably want to extend those with your own scalar types. In this tutorial we'll create our own ISO timestamp based scalar type with Node.js, GraphQL and Apollo.

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Featured image for "Writing a GraphQL API with Node.js, Express and Apollo"

Writing a GraphQL API with Node.js, Express and Apollo

GraphQL nowadays is often seen as an alternative to REST, each with its own benefits. With Apollo, we can consume GraphQL APIs, but additionally to that, we can create GraphQL API's as well by using Node.js and Express. In this tutorial I'll explore the possibilities.

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Featured image for "Working with Spring Data Solr repositories"

Working with Spring Data Solr repositories

Spring Data is the go-to framework when using datasources with Spring, regardless of whether they're relational or non-relational databases. With Spring Data Solr, we can also consume documents from Apache Solr, a document based database.

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Featured image for "Running a Spring batch at a schedule"

Running a Spring batch at a schedule

Writing a RESTful webservice with Spring is easy, even easier with Spring Boot. But did you also know that validation is quite easy as well with Spring?

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Featured image for "Validating the input of your REST API with Spring"

Validating the input of your REST API with Spring

Writing a RESTful webservice with Spring is easy, even easier with Spring Boot. But did you also know that validation is quite easy as well with Spring?

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Featured image for "Indexing documents with Spring batch"

Indexing documents with Spring batch

Batch processing is an often occuring taks when developing applications. With Spring boot, you can now easily write batch processes using Spring batch. In this tutorial I'll use Spring batch to index markdown documents into Solr.

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Featured image for "Setting up Apache Solr with Tika using Docker"

Setting up Apache Solr with Tika using Docker

Indexing documents is quite easy with Apache Solr and Tika. In this tutorial, I'll demonstrate how to configure both and to run them within a Docker container.

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Featured image for "Writing GraphQL mutations with Spring boot"

Writing GraphQL mutations with Spring boot

Forget REST, get started with GraphQL! In this tutorial I'll be using GrapQL mutations with Spring boot to create a next level API.

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Featured image for "Using Apollo GraphQL with Angular"

Using Apollo GraphQL with Angular

Forget REST and learn GraphQL! In this tutorial I'll be using Apollo as my GraphQL client library together with Angular to create even more powerful applications.

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Featured image for "Working with Spring boot and GraphQL"

Working with Spring boot and GraphQL

Forget REST, start with GraphQL! In this tutorial I'll show you what the benefits are of GraphQL and how you can use GraphQL with Spring boot to create even better APIs.

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