Posts tagged with Angular CLI

Progressive Web Apps with Angular CLI
One of the buzzwords of Google nowadays is Progressive Web Apps or shortly PWA's. In this tutorial we'll learn what progressive webapps exactly are. Additionally we'll see how we can use them and how we can integrate it with Angular and Angular CLI.
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Handling authentication and authorization with Angular
In this tutorial I'll use route guards, Http interceptors and directives to improve handling authentication and authorization in an Angular application using ngrx.
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Getting started with Angular CLI and Project Clarity
Project Clarity is a neat UI library with a component-set that can be used with Angular. In this tutorial, I'll set up Project Clarity with Angular CLI.
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Showing a loader with Angular 2
With Angular 2, we can change the default Loading... message to something else. In this article I will show you how to change it into a wonderful pokéball.
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Animating with Angular 2
Just like AngularJS, Angular 2 has a mechanism for applying animations to your application. During this article we'll look into the animation API.
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Implementing your own pipes with Angular 2
Pipes are one of the key features of Angular 2 and they are the successor to AngularJS' filters. In this article I'll write my own pipes with Angular 2.
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Using routing with Angular 2
Single page webapps are the future, and to achieve that, routing is a commonly used pattern. In this article I will show how to use routing with Angular.
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Creating a pagination component with Angular 2
In this article we'll go more in depth on components with Angular 2, such as property and event binding. We'll do this by creating a pagination component.
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Writing services with Angular 2 and RxJS
Angular comes with RxJS, which allows you to write services in a reactive way. During this tutorial we'll explore what exactly this means.
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Getting started with Angular 2 using Angular CLI
Angular 2 is out for a while now, so it's time to explorer what has changed (spoiler alert: a lot) and how we can set up a project with Angular CLI.
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