Posts within the Java category

Featured image for "Building microservices with Micronaut and GraalVM"

Building microservices with Micronaut and GraalVM

In this tutorial, I'll build a microservice from scratch with Micronaut.

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Featured image for "Uploading files with Spring and GraphQL"

Uploading files with Spring and GraphQL

In this tutorial I'll cover how you can upload files using Spring boot and GraphQL.

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Featured image for "Mastering Spring boot Actuator"

Mastering Spring boot Actuator

In this tutorial I'll cover why Spring boot actuator allows you to write proper production-grade Spring boot applications.

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Featured image for "Securing your GraphQL API with Spring Security"

Securing your GraphQL API with Spring Security

In this tutorial, I'll show how you can use Spring Security with Spring boot and GraphQL.

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Featured image for "Using EhCache 3 with Spring boot"

Using EhCache 3 with Spring boot

Caching is a common operation when developing appllications. Spring provides an abstraction on top of all different caching libraries to make this even easier.

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Featured image for "Difference between Mono and Flux"

Difference between Mono and Flux

Project Reactor introduced us two specific types of publishers, being Mono and Flux. In this tutorial we'll see what they mean and what we can use them for.

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Featured image for "Writing dynamic queries with Spring Data JPA"

Writing dynamic queries with Spring Data JPA

With Spring Data, we can easily write queries usinng @Query. For more dynamic queries, we can use the Example and Specification API, which we'll explore here.

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Featured image for "Loading initial data with Spring"

Loading initial data with Spring

With Spring, you can set up your initial data in different ways. In this tutorial we'll discover database migration tools, and other options.

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Featured image for "Reactive streams over the network with RSocket"

Reactive streams over the network with RSocket

With RSocket, we can reactively stream our data over the network. In this example I'll demonstrate how RSocket can be used with Spring boot.

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Featured image for "Reactive relational databases with R2DBC and Spring"

Reactive relational databases with R2DBC and Spring

With Spring boot's experimental starter for R2DBC, we can now reactively connect to our relational databases, and in this example we'll see how.

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